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Tomato Plants

Q.Dying Leaves

Anonymous added on April 28, 2011 | Answered

Planted tomatoes, green peppers, chili peppers, and basil in the self-contained watering system buckets approximately three weeks ago. The plants started out doing very well. Just this last week the leaves on all the pepper plants are drooping, withering and falling off, but they are still green. The tomato plant has three small tomatoes that just started to grow, but the leaves are yellow on the bottom and the rest are getting limp and droopy even though they are green. The basil is withering and drooping too. The water level seems to be fine. The weather has been rainy and a little cooler than normal. Not sure what to do.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 29, 2011

These are classic signs of being overwatered. Is the system carrying enough nutrients and flowing fast enough?

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