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Fig Tree

Q.dwarf fig tree diseases

Anonymous added on June 12, 2015 | Answered

Last spring I planted a dwarf fig tree in a container and did really well. In fall I placed it in the garage, covered with a black trash bag, and fed the tree with one cup of water per month. Around march, when I checked it, it was growing new buds so I brought it to my hot tub room where there is plenty of sunlight. I fertilize it with one part super phosphate, one part lime, one part gardening fertilizer and one part of bone meal. When the warm weather started, I put it outdoors close to the house and under a canopy. To my surprise, it grew a little fig, but I thought it was too early. Now, the leaves started to have brown spots and I’m concerned. Please help. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 13, 2015

Congrats on the fig fruit! Normally, if a fig is at least two years old, it is capable of producing fruit. This is a good thing. As for the brown spots, it could be developing a fungus, like rust. Treat the plant with fungicide, like neem oil, and see if this helps.

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