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Duranta Plants

Q.Duranta in Michigan

Zone 48124 | Caterpillar1960 added on June 27, 2017 | Answered

Michigan: I bought a Duranta in the shape of a small tree last year. I read that I could take it indoors and treat it as a houseplant until spring. I pruned it back as directed. It worked: it is now June 27 nd it is in full leaf, bright fresh green all over it. I’ve put it outside. But I want to know when I can expect it to flower. As of now there is no sign that it is getting any kind of flower buds at all. Should I just wait or is there something I should me doing? I have used a liquid fertilizer.

Also, it seems to be root-bound. Will that affect the flowering, and should I get a bigger put?

Thanks, James

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 29, 2017
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