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Forsythia Bushes

Q.Dried Forsythia

Zone 11225 | g657mcrae added on October 21, 2021 | Answered

I purchased two potted forsythia bushes, due to personal medical reasons I was not able to put them in the ground. I still have them in their pots. Are these potted forsythias still viable to plant? If so, how can I revive them and make sure that they produce some flowers in the coming years? Thank you. Gwendolyn

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 22, 2021

If they have some life to them, you can attempt to revive them with proper care. These articles will help:



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Answered on October 22, 2021

Depends on many reasons, such as did they get enough water so the roots are still alive, how long you did not take care of them, does the potting soil still have nutrients, etc.You can use a scratch test to see if the branches are still green. If not, the roots may still be alive and, if so, there should be new growth in spring. If still alive, check to see if the roots are circling the pots.

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