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Dracaena Plants

Q.Draecena has green, thin stalks

Zone 73099 | Myskinnylove80@gmail.com added on February 27, 2017 | Answered

I have a draecena (I think) plant that is growing quite tall. It has 3 stalks and they are falling over because they are so top heavy. I think the issue is the stalks. They are green. They have bands of brown, but none of the sections are covered in the brown, sturdy, thick stalk I see in pictures. The stalks of my plant are very skinny and green despite the plant being 6 ft tall and 15 years old. Any ideas of how to help it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 27, 2017

Your plant may not be getting enough light- plants grown in low light conditions often become "leggy" and top-heavy, and fail to produce mature, sturdy growth. Adding an additional grow light can help. Once you've improved the light levels, you may also need to prune your plant back by about 1/3 of its size to encourage stronger growth.


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