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Dracaena Plants

Q.caring for (Dracaena deremensis) lemon lime

Zone 02360 | mari added on February 13, 2012 | Answered

Can it be saved? My plant has 2 stalks, leaves on both, then leaves fell off one. So I cut it. Now 4 months later leaves are growing out the side fine. The older stalk just started dropping leaves, then the complete top group of leaves fell off all at once, landing on the soil in the pot. I really know how to care for these, so now I cut the top off the 2nd stalk hoping I get the same results.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 19, 2012

It sounds like it may have a fungus or root rot.

Check the roots and see if they seem mushy. If it has root rot, trimming it back would have reduced the load on the damaged roots and would improve the health of the plant. If it is root rot, make sure you only water when the soil feels dry to the touch and this article will help:

It may also be a fungus attacking the plant. Again, cutting off the infected parts can help because it removes some of the disease, but you can't cut parts off forever, right? :) So, also treat the plant with a fungicide to clear up any possible fungus.

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