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Dracaena Plants


Zone 32246 | drivba added on December 6, 2016 | Answered

I think my plant is some sort of Dracaena from looking at pictures of similar plants. The top leaves on my plant started falling off, and then midway up the stalk a bunch of leaves sprouted out the side. Eventually, all the top leaves fell off and now I want to cut the stalk down closer to the other leaves. Once I do this, is there something I need to put on the top where I decide to cut to prevent mold from forming on the moist part that’s exposed to air?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 6, 2016

You don't need to put anything on the cut place; in fact plants will heal wounds best if they're not treated with anything.

As for why the plant has lost some leaves, it could be a result of overwatering. Although Dracaena soil should be kept slightly moist at all times, it shouldn't be soggy like a wet sponge. Or, it could be a disease. Sterilize the tool you use to cut the stem afterward with 10% bleach in water to avoid spreading anything to other plants.

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