Q.Dogwoods Not Blooming
I planted three flowering dogwoods a few years ago at a home that was a rental property. I have since moved into the home. I am not sure if these guys flowered in years past, but they did not this year. They have a ton of new growth on them and are really flourishing. Other flowering shrubs around them have flowered, such as the Mexican Hawthorns. They are not in the middle of the yard planted with grass. They have partial shade by a big oak but do get quite a bit of direct light. I live in coastal, southern North Carolina. We had a cold winter but no late frosts. Suggestions?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like they have too much nitrogen. Add a phosphorus rich fertilizer to them to get them blooming again. This article will have other suggestions as well: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/dogwood/dogwood-tree-not-flowering.htm