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Maranta Plants

Q.Does A Maranta Leuconeura Plant Normally Have A Vomit Like Smell?

Zone Croydon | KazBert123 added on September 25, 2021 | Answered

We bought this plant last weekend from Kew Gardensand have kept it in a tray where we add water. From yesterday my son started to notice a smell that was like sick. We identified that it is coming from this plant. The smell particularly comes from new rolled leaves. Is this normal?I have moved it 8nto the kitchen but I love this plant and want to be able to move it back

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 27, 2021

Some people may find the plant unappealing. You might trey having good smelling plants, nearby!


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