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Insect Pest Control

Q.Do you know where there is an outlet of the grasshopper control Nousema Locustae in or near Noosa Sunshine Coast?

Zone 4562 | richard.sinclair added on February 8, 2019 | Answered

I am trying to control an attack of grasshoppers on my lemon trees.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 9, 2019

If your trees have an active infestation, the biological control agent may not work fast enough for effective control.

"It is very important to understand that Nosema locustae does not work rapidly. The spores must be applied against the small grasshoppers (by 3rd to 4th instar) in and near the hatching areas for maximum efficacy. This disease can be an effective control, but it will act slowly. It will have little or no impact on later instars or adult grasshoppers that move into your yard or garden."

This article from Australia has some other suggestions for organic control:

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