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Ground Cover Crops

Q.Do You Have Any Recommendations For A Ground Cover That Can Be Walked On Occasionally?

Zone 21703 | Anonymous added on May 19, 2022 | Answered

I recently bought a townhouse in Frederick, MD. I have a very small backyard with a very large maple tree! Most of the ‘lawn’ is under the tree and filled with roots above the ground. I would love to plant a ground cover over most of the area. The area is approximately 12′ x 18′. Any suggestions for a low growing, hardy shade ground cover that is not invasive in MD? Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 24, 2022

The best thing you can do for a tree is put a layer of mulch out to the dripline. Trees have roots within a foot of the ground that can be damaged by planting underneath a tree.

However, if you really want to plant a groundcover, be careful when planting. Here is more:


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