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Squash Plants

Q.Do we pick our unripe squash if the plant has been killed by bugs?

sabrinaporter added on July 13, 2012 | Answered

Our squash plants have been killed by squash bugs. Do we pick the unripe squash, or leave it on the dead vines to ripen?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 14, 2012

Sometimes you can ripen them off the vine. It depends on how close to maturity they were. This article will help you try:

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Answered on July 14, 2012

They are squash bugs and I think we are on the right track to controlling them. I just wondered if we pick the unripe squash off the vines or leave them to ripen on the vine? Thank you!

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Answered on July 14, 2012

What kinda bugs are killing the plants? I had squash bugs in mine. I mixed a little sevens and cyfluthrin together, and it killed them so fast, they died where they stood.

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