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Pumpkin Plants

Q.Do These Pumpkin Sprouts Have A Chance?

Zone Tucker, GA | Anonymous added on November 11, 2023 | Answered

I know this is a shot in the dark, but here goes… My daughter is 5 and in kindergarten. Today she brought home a small clear solo cup with five pumpkin sprouts growing out of the soil within. Each sprout is 8 to 9 inches long, and they all have well-formed leaves on the ends of the vines. Each set of larger leaves has one or two much smaller leaves sprouting between them. I would love to be able to keep these lovely plants and see them through to their fruiting. Everything I’ve read has told me not to plant until late May or even into July. This was a school project, and I’m just wondering if there’s a way we can keep these babies growing until maybe we get a small pumpkin. I have very limited space in my house, but lots of space outside, and we live in suburban Atlanta. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated! Thank you from both my daughter and myself!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 13, 2023

Growing them outside would be ideal but pumpkins are frost sensitive, so that won't work. If you can provide enough light inside, that may be the way to go. You may need to invest in a grow light. They are already leggy, probably from lack of light. The vines will grow long and the leaves wide, so you do need a large area. Maybe you have a relative nearby with more room inside. You can try training the vines up on a trellis. You can create a sling for the fruit if it's large. Here are some articles that will help you grow them:







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