Q.Do Spider Plants Roots & Stem Need To Be Completely Under Soil ?
My cat got to a lot of my plants. Lost most of them but trying to save my spider plant and a couple pathos. Do I trim brown tips off spider plant? It had a really thick dark bottom of stem and fat roots. Wasn’t sure if maybe I should transfer to water for a bit.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It isn't necessary. This plant will survive quite the abuse, but it thrives on neglect.
Forgetting to water, feed, or otherwise even pay attention to the plant seems to be the best method. Actually, this is the case for both of your plants.
The damage and browning will be from a compounded issue of overwatering and fluoride found in water, in general. If there is any moisture in the container, at all, then you will NOT need to give them any water. They are actually very drought tolerant. When you do water- Rain water or reverse osmosis is best. Otherwise, if you don't mind a little browning, fluoride damage is, merely, cosmetic.
Your best best will be to put your Pothos and Spider Plant in moderate lighting. A southern window is perfect, but they will stand less (and the Pothos may appreciate more distance from the window than your Spider Plant. Water when the container is dry, at least halfway, but fully is preferable.