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Kousa Dogwood

Q.Do Satomi Kousa Dogwood bracts start out pink?

sgkarkula added on April 26, 2015 | Answered

We bought a Satomi Kousa dogwood and the young bracts are white. Will they turn pink or is the tree mislabeled?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 26, 2015

The bracts should be pink to red in color. However, I did find the following nugget on a university web page that might explain your white bracts - environmental conditions do sway bract color:

"'Satomi' (also listed as 'Rosabella') - This is a very popular cultivar said to develop bright pink bracts. In the United States, however, the warm summers seem to dull the color. As a result, most plants bloom light pink or white-pink. The color can vary from season to season, but 'Beni Fuji' probably has deeper pink bracts."


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