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Kalanchoe Plants

Q.Do kalanchoes die after blooming

Zone 6b | Anonymous added on October 4, 2016 | Answered

Mine are all indoors in proper draining planters with appropriate soil mix, etc. I bought a few not thinking they might die after blooming. I was told no by some. Now on the succulent groups many are saying they die after blooming. Are they confusing them with the hens n chicks which do? If so, I want to stick to plants that don’t die after flowering for cost issues. Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 4, 2016

Many Kalanchoes that are sold in garden centers or floral shops are sold as a blooming indoor plant and they are generally grown to last 6 to 8 weeks of blooming for customers.
Many homeowners toss them after this time. You certainly can grow and maintain this plant as a house plant but reblooming may be quite difficult.

Here is a link to help you with care information.


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