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Q.Do Annuals Self Seeds While Between Growing.

Danieal added on July 28, 2020 | Answered

I’m a very new gardener and my question is if i have a marigold plant and live in a tropical climate. By the time that the marigold die because it being annual, will there be a new marigold that already bloom and have flower that grow from self seeding to avoid empty garden. Or does the marigold die and ill need to wait for the seeds to grow and mature?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 28, 2020

It is likely that marigolds will self seed in succession. You may still have some bare ground or flowerless plants for some portion of the year, but they will likely keep the area filled out for the most part.

The new generations will not likely resemble the parents, or will not likely flower as vigorously as the parents, but they will self seed none the less.

Here is an article to help you with the care of marigolds:


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