Q.Do All Lemons Turn Yellow on the Tree Prior to Harvest?
I have one lemon on my young tree that has been growing 5-6 months. It is at least 3 1/4″ L and 2 1/2″ in diameter. It is still bright green. What is their usual time to maturity?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Lemons are ripe and ready to pick once they have completely turned yellow. However, slightly green-yellow ones can still be picked and will normally ripen off the tree, provided they are large enough. They should also be somewhat heavy feeling and hard with a ‘glossy’ look to them. If it’s kind of squishy, you’ve waited too long. The lemon should also be about 2-3 inches in diameter.
The amount of time time it takes for a lemon to ripen can vary depending on several things. First, different varieties have different ripening times (typically between 3-18 months). Second, the conditions the lemon is grown under can shorten or lengthen the time it takes for it to get ripe. For instance, if it is not warm enough, the ripening process will slow down.