Q.Dividing wood violets
The wood violets that we have in our flower bed have done great. They used to run the length of the bed, but when my husband had to resort to using a herbicide to kill some unwanted ivy, it of course killed the violets in that stretch of the bed. Now that it’s been several years without the ivy coming back, we want to take some of the overgrown violets from the rest of the bed and fill in the open space. I didn’t know if these purple (blue) violets spread by rhizomes or seed. All that I remember from the tag on the original violets we planted 25 years ago was that they were called wood violets. Can you please advise on how to accomplish our goal? We are hoping to do this today. Thanks for your expertise.
You can lift the violets and divide them in spring or fall, but left to reseed they will spread easily.