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Q.Dividing Old Cyperus Umbrella Plant?

Zone Zagreb | Anonymous added on February 4, 2023 | Answered

Hi, I found here an article about Cyperus Umbrella plant. It says that newer growth can be separated every 3 years, old “center” discarded and new growth planted again. I need you help with my case. I have a plant consists of initially 4 small plants potted together. Over years each grew in it’s own direction. I want to repot it in a new, bigger put now (obviously haha) but I am not sure how. This biggest, strongest one grew over the edge and this new section of growth has no direct roots. I know this plant roots easily, so is it ok to cut this overhanging part and plant it, will it develop roots on it’s own? What’s your advice here? Thanks 🙂 Regards

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 6, 2023

I suggest moving the new sections to a larger container and keeping the overhang at least partially attached to the plant with roots. When it roots you can move it to its own container, if desired. Letting it stay attached will enable it to root faster.


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