Q.Diseased Plum Tree
We have a 4 year old plum tree.
It has developed “superficial cracks” in the trunk and branches. The tree surface “inside” the area of the crack is pale. Can you please advise what this could be and also what to do to remedy it.
There are holes in almost all of the leaves, however despite bug spraying I suspect it is bugs.
The tree had quite yellow / green leaves last year, however this is now remedied with seasol & rotted animal manure.
The tree has bark mulch around it (but not adjacent to the trunk)
If its not an obvious solution I can send you photo’s? please advise
Thank you very much

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Definitely send photos. This will help greatly. I do suspect that this is fungal, rather than an insect issue, though. If you can send pictures, I would be able to better help you.