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Knockout Rose Bushes

Q.Diseased knockout rose.

Anonymous added on October 30, 2017 | Answered

I have removed the knockout rose bush that has witch’s broom disease and threw it into the woods. Must I remove the dirt that it was growing in? Now I want to plant daffadill bulbs in that spot. Is that possible without digging out all the old soil.? It is October 30, 2016

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 31, 2017

Poking around at several websites, I came across some disagreement on soil removal. The mites which transmit the virus of rose rosette disease overwinter under bark so all mulch in that bed should be removed as well as all of the rose's roots. Here is a description of the steps you should take to prevent reinfection. http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/gardens-gardening/your-garden/help-for-the-home-gardener/advice-tips-resources/pests-and-problems/diseases/viruses/rose-rosette.aspx

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