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Cypress Trees

Q.disease on my cypress trees

Zone 15146 | Anonymous added on April 25, 2018 | Answered

I have recently moved into a home with several large conical shaped cypress trees. One of them appears to have a disease of some sort which renders the leaves brown and crumbly. When touched these areas of the tree disintegrate in my hand leaving gaping holes. I see some spots of this same condition on some of the surrounding cypresses and hope to be able to save them. Can you advise me? I would be most appreciative. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 26, 2018

Water deficit = drought stress? Fungal disorder? Beetle-borer or mites? Need more information, geographical area, growing conditions, irrigation program, species identification, photos.
Do you have a local nursery that might help. They are usually helpful for ID of trees and shrubs in the area and common disease and pest problems. Do you have a county/university cooperative extension service with an advisory service? Or pay for a professional consultation with a local arborist or landscape advisor.

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