Q.Disease on Holly Bush
I have a young holly bush. The leaves are turning light green then yellow and falling off. The branches are getting a small ball-like a tumor on several spots on the branch. I am not sure if this is a rust disease or what. I have a picture I can send. It started happening late this winter. We have not even had a full year. It is on the south side of our house and gets plenty of sun. It has mulch around it but no other debris. Thanks!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It has what is called galls. But the cause of galls can be many. With holly, some common gall sources for holly is gall midge and sphaeropsis gall. Because the reasons vary widely for galls, I can't recommend a treatment. You should take one of the galls (the swelled areas) to your local extension service and have them examine it. With a sample, they should be able to tell you what the cause is and how best to treat it.