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Horse Chestnut Trees

Q.digging up and replanting a horse chestnut tree

Zone Tasmania | suzanne.ford.00@gmail.com added on May 27, 2018 | Answered

about 56 years ago i planted a tree not knowing what it was, last year it produced the most beautiful flower with a divine smell, i eventually found out it was a horse chesnut my problem is ive planted it rite next to the house
After it finished flowering i pruned it and now is about 5 meters tall,I am hoping you can tell me how to dig it up and transplant it some where else as i dont want to loose it,
I live in the far south of Tasmania, any help or information you could give me would be much appreciated.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 28, 2018

This can be a BIG problem near dwellings. You should have a certified arborist, or tree service come out to look at it. If there is structural damage, then there will be a very careful procedure to move it without causing extreme damage to both the tree and house.

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