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Q.Difference between longan and rambutan seedlings

Zone 10001 | cjj84 added on September 23, 2019 | Answered

Can anyone tell me how to tell the difference between a longan and a rambutan seedling? I stupidly stuck the seeds from some fruit I was given into the ground, and neglected to clearly mark what was what. I have seedlings coming up all over the place, they all seem pretty much the same, but I am sure the seeds from both fruits germinated. ( I started them in plastic bags, so I knew they germinated, but I didn’t properly label them once I planted them.)

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 24, 2019

At this point, it is going to be very difficult. They will look almost exactly the same until they develop the first and second set of true leaves.

The Longan is going to have a longer compound leaf. Each leaflet will be opposite another except for the tip, which will have a single leaflet. They will almost always have more than two sets of opposite leaflets before you get to the tip leaflet.

The Rambutan will tend to develop with less symmetry. They can still develop with almost opposite arrangement, but the entire leaf itself is less long than the Longan.

Here are two articles that will help you to grow these trees: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/longan-tree/growing-dragons-eye-plants.htm


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