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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Damage on One Side of Indoor Rosemary Plant

Anonymous added on January 8, 2014 | Answered

A friend recently gave me a beautiful indoor rosemary plant as a Christmas present. I have placed the plant near a south facing window about 10-12 feet away from the front door to my house. Today I noticed that the side of the plant facing the window is dry and grayish brown. The other side of the plant is green. Obviously, the plant is stressed, but I’m unsure what might be causing the drying and browning on that side of plant. I am open to your suggestions on how to save the plant. I live in Oakville, ON, Canada. Thanks so much for looking into this matter for me.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 8, 2014

It sounds like it may have a fungus, like powdery mildew, affecting the plant. This can be made worse by stress to the plant. Treat it with a fungicide and this article will help you with caring for it indoors: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/rosemary/grow-rosemary-indoors.htm

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