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Q.Daffodils-Removing Flower Stem

Anonymous added on May 6, 2011 | Answered

Will removing the flower and stem from the plant after it blooms cause the plant not to bloom next season? I unknowingly pulled the dead flowers and their stems out of some of my plants. I am really hoping this will not affect them because they were beautiful this year. If I messed up big time, what (if anything) can I do to correct this?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 7, 2011

There are many reasons why bulbs do not come into bloom. One of the most common is not having enough energy to form a bud. Bulbs depend on their foliage for energy. Unfortunately, some people resort to cutting the foliage back rather than allowing it to wither away naturally. If so, this could result in non-flowering bulbs. If you have a bulb that has produced numerous offsets, this could be another likely cause for non-flowering. Another common cause for non-blooming bulbs is the lack of sufficient light. Check the growing requirements to ensure the bulbs are located in an area with plenty of sunlight. Finally, check to see if your bulbs are simply overcrowded. Oftentimes, when plants become overcrowded, they fail to flower properly. Should this be the case, division may be needed.

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