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Cypress Trees

Q.cypress tree

Zone south cost of Iceland | Anonymous added on July 2, 2018 | Answered

Last year from a local gardening shop i brought 2 cypress trees about a meter high each, one had a twisted top from (i thought of the growing space in the display shelf)they were a yellow green and i just thought it was their natural colour and maybe a lack of water and a need for re potting, I wanted them for my balcony in large containers,I re-potted them with about 10cm of volcanic sand and good compost earth and they got a good watering every couple of days they still continued to grow and settled down lovely but the continue growing with their foliage turning yellow at the end
we had a mild winter this last year and in the September I store all the plants together in the corner of the balcony behind the folding down table and chairs giving them some protection from our bitter winds and snow this is done after the plants have a good watering and feeding and sometimes a top soil top up and then left alone for the winter months,the cypress trees did really well and even survived a few weeks of being buried under a few feet of snow.this spring they were moved into their place on the balcony which is south facing, started with a watering of tepid water and a fed weekly growing very well one still has a twisted bend but still have a yellow tipped foliage.and this summer had I assume lots of little ball like seeds.my question is are my trees actually cypress trees at all.if they are what do you think is happening to them,or is this a natural for colour or lack of iron,what do you recommend. Thanks for any advice given…

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 3, 2018

The most important consideration when growing Italian cypress trees in pots is that their soil dries out much quicker than it does when they grow in the ground. Although the trees are drought-tolerant and excess moisture can lead to diseases, they require water during extended periods of drought. Check their soil once each week during dry periods by sticking your finger as deep as it will go into the soil. If the soil is dry, then water it with 3 gallons of water for each 5-foot square of surface soil; use 9 gallons of water in summer. Fertilize the Italian cypress trees in early spring and again in early to mid-July. Use any fertilizer that has a higher percentage of nitrogen – represented by the first number in the fertilizer formula – than phosphorus and potassium, such as 19-6-9 fertilizer. The amount of fertilizer to use for a tree depends on the size of its pot. Use 2 teaspoons for a 1-gallon pot, 1 tablespoon for a 2-gallon pot and 1 3/4 ounces for a 5-gallon pot. Spread the fertilizer on the soil, and water the soil.

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