Q.cypress tree
We have 2 adult cypress trees. They are huge and about 30 to 35 years old. They are on our pavement and started to grow into the road. Our Security in our neighborhood, who is in charge of the security cameras, etc. asked to cut them a bit, because they block the visibility of the cars.
I was totally shocked to see how the beautiful trees are cut and damaged. I would say one third of each tree is just gone. It is ruined. The tree felling guys just chopped the part which was partially in the street off. My question is: Will the trees die? Will they recover and grow to be as beautiful as they were? Is there anybody who can may be prune them and will it help?
Thank you

Pruning itself will not likely kill the Cypress Tree.
Pruning can expose old wood and leave the Tree bare and unattractive.
Pruning should be preformed at the correct time of year, early spring and you can address new growth prune in late spring or early summer.
Here is a link with more information.