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Hydrangea Plants

Q.Cutting Back Hydrangeas for the Winter

Anonymous added on November 23, 2010 | Answered

I understand I must cut back old wood from bottom of plant before winter sets in and. . . . . .
. . . I want to be sure I can tell the difference between the old wood and new wood, one year I cut them back and it took two years before I had any blooms on the plants.
Naturally, I do not want a repeat of that error.

I will appreciate your help.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 23, 2010

If you are hesitant, you can wait till early spring to cut back the plant. At that time, the new wood will be green in color, while the old wood will be brown. You can use this rule of thumb for fall/winter pruning too, but it is much more obvious in the spring.

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