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Curry Plants

Q.Curry Leaf Plant

Zone Brunei | Anonymous added on March 26, 2017 | Answered

I bought a curry leaf plant that I have planted in a pot. It is about 1.5ft high and quite dense at the top. Do I need to harvest it for it to branch out or is it too early and I should leave it alone for now? I am not sure how old the plant is. I live in tropical area in Brunei.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 27, 2017

You can pinch off the tips of the plant to promote more growth.
You can prune off the old growth in the early spring to the lowest bud at the base of the plant.
Snip off the developing flower stalks in the summer, this will promote more leafy greens.
You can snip and trim throughout the summer for use and neat looking plants.


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