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Cucuzza Squash

Q.cucuzza has prickly parts and white powdery film

Zone louisiana | robinbordelon added on October 21, 2015 | Answered

I received a giant cucuzza from someone and it is covered in prickly hair-like things and covered in a white powdery film. I watched the cucuzza being cut and it was high up on the tree and the lower hanging ones did not have the film. Is it safe to eat?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 22, 2015

The film you describe could be Powdery Mildew.

Powdery Mildew is not considered harmful and you can wash it from the squash and use the vegetable.
You can wash it off the skin of the vegetable before peeling it.

Always check the condition of the vegetable when you cut into it.


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