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Cucumber Plants

Q.Cucumber Plant Lookes Droopy

Zone WF177LE | Anonymous added on July 18, 2022 | Answered

Hi I am very new gardener and for the first tine I have planted 4 cucumber plants. Out of the four two are thriving,one has one cumcumber and the other has none.not sure why that might be. If you could tell me. My main question is why are my leaves showing as if they have no life in them..they look really droopy. I have about 10 cucumbers which are approx 15-20cm so looking good…me thinks. The picture shows that the leaves are droopy or dead. Why is that? Am I feeding it too much water or not feeding it something else which I should. Or does it need more water? Please help..thanks in advance.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 28, 2022

It may just be the angle of the photo, but the containers look very small. Vegetables in containers need room to grow. They also will need more water in a small container. There could be a pollination problem for the ones without cucumbers.

Here is more about their care in containers:





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