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Crown Of Thorns

Q.Crown of Thorns

Zone 34655 | basset7714@aol.com added on February 19, 2018 | Answered

Hi ? friendly garden expert. I am in zone 9 Florida and am afraid when we got a cold spell this winter our Crown of Thorns succumbed to frost. I still have green leaves ? but they are more towards the bottom. Should I cut off the thorns or do you have any magic you can give me to revive. Help! Thank you. Kathie

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 19, 2018

The only thing that you can do here is wait, patiently. Make sure to leave it alone until you see new growth. You can, then, cut off any dead growth that has not come back. If you do not see any new growth within a month, then you may have to assume that the plant is dead.

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