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Squash Plants

Q.Cross Pollination between squash and pumpkins?

Zone Jacksonville, Florida | Anonymous added on January 11, 2020 | Answered

I had read somewhere that plants from different species cannot cross-pollinate with each other. This year, I plan to grow varieties of squash and pumpkin that belong to the following genus/species: Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita maxima, and Cucurbita moschata. Do I need to be concerned about cross pollination between the three?

The same goes for a couple of melons: Cucumis melo and Citrullus lanatus.

Thank you for your assistance!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 12, 2020

They won't usually cross unless they are the same species, but that is not to say that it won't happen. It can, and does on occasion. Now, unless you plan to use the seeds from the harvest to plant your next garden, then any crossing will not even be noticed. The fruit will not take on a different form from receiving pollen. The next generation seed will take the new genetics between the two, so unless you plan on keeping those seeds from harvest for next year there is no need to worry about cross pollination.



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