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Iris Plants

Q.crooked iris stems

Zone 54457 zone 4 | cmstroik added on August 29, 2018 | Answered

Hello, hope you are well. Love your site and hope you don’t mind if I saved it for future ref. One gestion please—I have some rhizomes whose stems always grow at a 45-degree angle. When dividing can I replant the rhizomes (crooked) so the stem might come up straight? Thank you. Regards, Dianna

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 30, 2018

The typical garden iris, German or bearded iris only blooms once in its short life. After that, it is a "mother" and produces new rhizomes only. This is why rhizomes that bloomed a preveious year are tossed out when the clump is divided. You'll know them because the "babies" are large enough to be separated from the mother. Use a sharp knife to do this. Add compost to the soil and prepare the hole. Make a mound in the center and put the rhizome on top. Spread out the roots and backfill the hole. The rhizome should be half exposed - above soil line - from leaf end to tip. (You may need to cut the leaves in half if the rhizome keeps tipping over.) If you do this, your flower stems will go straight up if they have enough sun.

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