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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.Crepe Myrtle tree

Zone Prattville Alabama 36067 | ChiefJJ added on December 15, 2015 | Answered

Am getting ready to move a 2 year old tree. Does it need to be in sun, partial sun, or shade? Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 17, 2015

A nice sunny location is the perfect spot for a Crepe Myrtle Tree.


Your tree should be dormant before transplanting.
The root ball should be 12" for every inch of trunk diameter.
The root ball depth should be 6" for every inch of trunk diameter.

Use sharp tools for removing the root ball. Sharp cuts are better then tears in the roots.
Move the tree to it's new planting location quickly without delay.
Do not add amendments to the new hole.
Do not fertilize until the tree is established in it's new location. This can be 1 year for each inch of trunk diameter.
Mulch well with hardwood mulch and water through the winter months.

No matter how carefully you take on this process, it can be difficult to transplant a Crepe Myrtle.

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