Q.counter-act potash given to Azalea’s by mistake
Hi guys,
How can I counter act a heavy dose of Potash given to my Azalea’s.
This was the first year in many that they have finally come back and look great after much work.
Someone thought they would help to make them flower longer and applied a tripal dose, which might I add was wrongly suggested by a nursery person.
This was only 2 days ago and has been watered in.
Can you help me save them Please
Watering deeply each time you water may help rinse the excessive potassium deeper into the soil, below the root zone.
Excessive potassium can cause iron or zinc deficiency, so if symptoms of either of these appears, provide iron or zinc fertilizer to correct the problem:
The other issue is that the pH can be raised by potash, making your acid-loving azaleas unhappy. If you suspect this, you can have a soil pH test done, then add an acidifying fertilizer if needed: