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Oak Trees

Q.Could You Help Me Find What Is Wrong With My Young Oak Tree?

Zone 75074 | aemirtz added on June 9, 2020 | Answered

Hello, I live in Plano Texas 75074 and I have a Oak tree planted in front my house. It is fairly young,I think 6-7 years old. It started the season good but then all of a sudden tree’s foliage started to turn brown and curl. It lost some of its leaves. Could you help me find what is wrong with my tree and is there a way to help it get better? I think pictures will do a better job telling you what is wrong. Thanks, Ali Topuz.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 10, 2020

It appears to be Fire Blight. This has no cure, but there are methods to control the symptoms. This article will help:


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