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Cotton Plants

Q.Cotton Growing

Zone St Paul MN I think zone 3 | pmseeger added on April 5, 2022 | Answered

I grew cotton last summer, brought it in the house in October as I live in MN. It all bloomed and I got cotton balls, was ready to pull it out and it started to grow new foliage, just recently it started to flower again. The flowers dried and the rest of the growing process started and the whole little branch with the pod dried and fell off. This has happened to 5 buds now. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong as the plants are very healthy and keep getting new leaves and buds

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 5, 2022

There will be three possible reason for this. All stem from being indoors, except for one.

This is usually due to lack of light, or lack of humidity. If this is lit by window lighting, and not a plant fixture, then this can cause bloom drop. Window lighting is not usually enough to promote full flowering. Humidity can be to blame, as well, though. Low humidity will cause bloom drop.

Another possibility will be that there is too much nitrogen and not enough phosphorus and potassium in the soil. A good helping of good compost on top should help.

Being indoors is enough stress to trigger bloom drop, on its own, though.


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