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Cosmos Flowers


Zone Wimborne Dorset | Anonymous added on February 11, 2017 | Answered

I have to buy cosmos plants from garden centure. What is the name of the beautiful crimson bright pink on your web page. Also, when is the earliest time to put out? Having a big party and want to be at best by July. Will be buying about 300, 100 each of white, pink, and the colour on your web page. What variety should I buy? I have a small patio garden no grass. Would appreciate any advice. Going to be expensive I know but no other choice.

thank you
Mrs Collins

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 18, 2017

There are so many different varieties of Cosmos! They are such a great flower to have in the garden.
Keep in mind that it may take up to 7 weeks for you to see blossoms if they are grown from seed.
If your purchasing plants, they of coarse will bloom sooner. The good news is that once the plants began blooming they should continue to do so, up until the first frost.
Deadheading the spent blossoms will help encourage more blooming and less energy into seed output.

The variety 'Radiance' and 'Sonata Knee High' will give you the pink color that is in the image in the article.
A good safe rule on planting out annuals is after the danger of frost has passed.
Most Cosmos varieties can tolerate temperatures down to 40 degrees F.

Just a suggestion, but you could purchase some plants and then direct sow some pots of seeds. This would likely give you a succession of blooms and be more economical.

Cosmos seeds are quite easy to propagate.

Here are some links for you with more information.





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