Q.Correct amount of water
I am trying tomatoes in containers on my screened in pool surround this year. I am at a loss as providing the correct amount of water. My pots are 20×17 round, with rocks in bottom, drainage holes and wheeled trays. One plant (black krim) seems to be happy. The other (which is about 6 ft tall now) is a small yellow tomato (Iowa species).
We are in a very humid climate, and the temp is already in the 80’s. Early on, I got fungus fly from overwatering, I presume. I let them dry out, and I check the soil in the a.m. with my finger to about a 2 inch depth. But today, I went out at 4 pm, and the yellow tomato was already droopy. Both are flowering well, both are producing tomatoes – though none ripe enough to pick. I am afraid I’m going to ruin the yellow tomatoes and am afraid to over water due to the fungus fly (no natural predators as in a screened in area).
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
As they are outside in containers, I would not worry about them being overwatered. They need the water and in 80F+ heat, 2X a day is not too much.
As for the fungus fly, you can treat the soil with neem oil. It will keep the flies away and is organic and non-toxic.