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Sweet Corn


terig11 added on May 9, 2011 | Answered

I am growing corn in my backyard for the first time. How long does it take for you to harvest your corn? I live in Florida and it’s really hot, and the corn has been in the ground for 2 months now. I’m moving in July. Will my corn be ready? The middle part is there and already looks like wheat growing in the middle.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 10, 2011

This really depends on the variety of corn you are growing...60-day, 70-day or 90-day corn. However, most types of corn are usually ready to pick about 20 days after you see signs of the first silk growing. In order to pick the corn, just grab the ear, twist and pull in a downward motion and snap it off quickly.

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