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Burford Holly Bushes

Q.contaminated soil

Zone Palestine, Texas 75803 | Anonymous added on February 5, 2018 | Answered

in one area in my garden bed a shrub (burford holly) go really sick and died. Now everything I plant there gets sick. Is there a way to disinfect the soil?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 6, 2018

There are several diseases that can infect holly as well as other shrubs, so perhaps your soil is infected with one of those. For example, in the following list,
phytophthora root rot and Thielaviopsis root rot can attack both hollies and other shrubs:


Another possibility is environmental issues, such as a pH problem or high salt concentration in that area of your soil.

It's probably best to have an extension agent or arborist look at the shrubs you have in that spot and try to diagnose what the problem is. That way you'll be able to take the appropriate control measures to correct whatever is causing the disease.

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