Q.Container Gardening – But Have A Squirrel Problem?
I would love to try your container gardening in my apartment patio, but too many squirrels. An suggestions about this problem? I literally have tried everything to get rid of them, but with no good solution. Any help you could give me would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
To protect your container garden from squirrels, consider planting squirrel-resistant plants such as lavender, geraniums, and marigolds. These can help when planted among your garden. Additionally, use mesh or netting to cover your containers, and try commercial repellents or motion-activated sprinklers to deter squirrels. Replacing an existing bird feeder with a squirrel-proof one can also help divert the squirrels' attention. Be prepared for trial and error, as finding the most effective solution may require some experimentation.