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Container Apple Trees

Q.Container Apple Trees

Zone 45458 | Anonymous added on November 27, 2021 | Answered

Hello, I started apple trees out by putting seeds inside the fridge for 3 months, then planted them once they sprouted. They are now 3 months out of the fridge and seem to be doing well. But I’m concerned and have questions, with no one to turn to. The pots are 10″ tall and already the height of the tree is about as tall as the depth of the container. I realize they should be in bigger pots. So first question- –What size pot should I transplant them to? –Also, they have been indoors this whole time. I worry about small rodents (squirrels and chipmunks roam around) and bugs. Any suggestions on keeping my treasured trees safe? –do the trees NEED to be outside during the winter? I really have been tending to them as if they were my own children, and I would hate to see them die. Any help would be greatly appreciated! If there is an easier way to communicate, I’d appreciate that also. Thanks in advance for any and all help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 29, 2021

This article on apple trees in containers should help. Since your plants are not in the ground and still young, you can keep them inside over the winter if you want to. Then put them out in spring in their larger containers.


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