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Q.Consolea falcata cactus

Mirandamcinnis added on April 12, 2018 | Answered

Looking to find out what disease or fungi my cactus might have. The plant has large areas with a whitish colour dry crust like spots. It started last summer when the plant had mite and I was able to get rid of them, The areas with the dry crust like problems didn’t go away but they didn’t get any bigger so I thought it was probably fine since I got rid of the mites. Now it is spring and my cactus is growing new pads and the disease is starting to go up the news pads. No idea what it might be, I have search online but have no been able to find anything. Any help Is appreciated! Photos attached

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 13, 2018

Try a mix of 50/50 water and rubbing alcohol and a few drops of dish washing soap in a hand held spray bottle. Spray the affected are well and use a soft brush or sponge to gently rub down the area. It seems to be scale or spider mite You may need to repeat every now and then if they show up. Spray the affected area down with regular water after treating.- let me know if it works( affected area appearance may stay the same ) but will not worsen :)

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