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Coneflower Plants

Q.Cone Flower Worms

Zone Lewiston Maine 0420 | Marlene Martin added on August 6, 2022 | Answered

I am in Maine and have many cone flowers. Last year a mole ate every root. So I placed new plants in a metal cage and placed in the ground. They came up great this spring but when I watered yesterday I noticed the seed center was all filed with debris. As I looked closer I noticed a worm in many of my flowers. I since have cut most down. The ones cut I placed in a pail of water with salt to kill the worms. I pulled one flower stock out and counted at least 7 worms. Will this continue every year. Never had these worms in the past. I did have solar lights in between each plant and now I think this may have contributed to the moth laying the eggs. Any solutions? Thank you.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 9, 2022
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