Q.Composting leaves
Can I use a normal plastic garden bin?

Leaves should be chopped or shredded before composting. This accelerates the process and keeps leaves from matting together creating an anaerobic, unhealthy environment. I run over them with my mulching lawn mower while mowing the grass. I don't bother to compost them; they go directly over the garden bed where they break down quickly. If you don't have access to a mulcher or shredder, layer them in the compost with other greens and browns. Be especially careful to mix maple leaves as they tend to stick together when wet and not break down. I'm not sure what you mean by a normal plastic garden bin but if it is designed with side air vents it will be fine. If you are low in green material to balance the pile, use manure or blood meal or another amendment with nitrogen. I've attached an article that I hope are helpful.